Tuesday, July 18, 2006

24 hours later

By this time, Jack Bauer would have averted a global catastrophe, been at least indirectly involved in the death of several dozens of terrorists, and gotten laid. But me? I'm a just hero for the common man.

So here I sit 24 hours into one of my stupidest yet most exciting scientific experiment to date. So, let me share the results of Day 1 and a little bit more detail about my plan as it really hadn't been thought out too well before I jumped in.

Day 1 Meals
  1. 12 oz. New Glarus Raspberry Tart
  2. 16 oz. Dirty Turtle (1/2 Guinness, 1/2 Terrapin Rye Cream Ale)
  3. 16 oz. Blue Moon Belgian White Ale
  4. 12 oz. Sweetwater Georgia Brown
  5. 12 oz. Rogue Imperial India Pale Ale
  6. More water than I've ever consumed in one day
First, I realize that I had nowhere near the caloric intake that I needed for the day. I can get away with it for the one day I think because I had quite a bit at a barbecue on Sunday, probably more than my recommended daily allowance. I think that the main problem was a combination of the lack of pre-planning and management of the pangs of hunger that beer consumption made even worse, hence the copious intake of water. As for the hunger pains, I compare the pain to giving childbirth without the vaginal tearing, except higher up, without the blood loss and not nearly as painful. It was intense. Especially when I tested my will power by preparing dinner for my wife and two of our friends. Damn, those Mexican beans smelled awesome. But not a bite did I consume. Self-test #2 complete. Self-test #1 was watching the same two friends consume delicious looking strombolis at a local pizza joint while I sucked down two beers and two glasses of water.

So if I had thought this out more thoroughly beforehand, I would have recorded my weight at the very beginning of the regime. But due to the fact that I didn't have a scale, it was kind of hard to do that. I suppose I could have set up a crude experiment to weigh myself in rocks or grams, but those units would have been absolutely useless to you. So I went out an bought a scale that measures weight and % body fat. I don't know if a $30 scale can measure a significant change in % body fat over the course of a week but I'll keep the data, regardless. I did three readings on the first try and basically I've been reduced to having a machine tell me that I'm too fat. As in too much body fat. Which is disappointing considering how much more I've been going to the gym lately. Or maybe it was higher before, in which case I'm better off than I was 6 months ago. Which also lets me know what some of my priorities should be as soon as I'm done with this escapade. So here is the data that I'll be starting each new day's entry with from this point forward.

Weight: 213.8 lb.
%b.f.: 28.0%

I think I'm going to have to create a few more guidelines for this diet now that I've been able to figure out some of the problems.
  1. Have at least one citrusy beer so I can have citrus fruit juice from the wedge that accompanies. I think it should be reasonable to have lemon with my water as well, mostly for those of you concerned with my C vitamin intake.
  2. It ends Sunday, July 23 at 7:00 pm. That'll make seven days to the date without food if you'll grant me the exception of the ice cream bar I had at about 9:30 last Sunday evening, before I decided to start Monday morning.
To be honest, I feel really good this morning. Better than I expected to at least. I can't remember the last time I peed this much. I was thinking it would be interesting to record the volume, but then I realized that it's just too gross.

As for today's plan, I'm about to start brewing a batch to be ready for the beginning of football season. For more details on that, head over to SudsPundit a little bit later.


At 9:46 AM, Blogger marsha said...

if you actually lose any significant weight on this diet, i plan to follow.

for me it will serve purposes:
1) lose the 'newlywed nine' before my first wedding anniversary
2) it will make me a nicer person at work

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Don't take the b.f.% reading on store-bought scale too seriously. They can vary a great deal--in particular with your state of hydration (I think they basically just measure skin impedance and estimate accordingly.)

I would take morning, midday and bedtime readings and probably average them for the day.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Brian said...

Did you give up already?


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